Wednesday, February 2, 2011
As I sit here trying to thaw out after coming inside from shoveling my driveway, I figured I would get on Facebook and see how my friends and family are doing. My family on the west coast is enjoying a beautiful day, while I'm hiding out in my house because a blizzard is headed our way. I think I've finally had enough of this weather, and it's time to relocate. I've been seriously thinking about moving for awhile now, and I've started looking into the average cost of San Diego apartments for rent. I realize that every area has it's own weather issues, but this cold weather is more than I can take anymore.
Fortunately, I have relatives in the area that I can stay with until my family gets settled, but I don't want to overstay our welcome. It can be a catch-22 situation when it comes to moving. You have to have a job in order to move, but you have to move in order to find a job in that area. Having family that is willing to help out makes the transition so much easier. I've also been talking to people at several San Diego employment agencies to make sure that there's a realistic opportunity to find employment.
I've always dreamed about being able to take my kids to the beach, and I really want them to have the opportunity to enjoy the ocean. We've been searching the internet to learn more about the San Diego Beaches that we'll hopefully be enjoying in the near future. I know it will be a big adjustment to move half way across the country, but I think this will be a change for the better for all of us!