Earn Cash Back When You Shop With Extrabux.com

Monday, September 14, 2009

I want to tell everyone about a great site I found that lets you earn cash back when you order online. It's so simple to use, and you earn cash back rebates by purchasing the items that you were already looking for, and you can even do some comparison shopping to make sure you're getting the best deal.

All you have to do is log on to Extrabux.com, and then click on the store that you want to order from, and it will show you the cash back percentage. It's free to register, so you have nothing to lose! They have over 800 popular stores that you can shop with, and you can search for available stores by categories including, most popular, new stores, and stores that you have saved as favorites in your account.

They have a wide range of stores including department stores, pet supplies, computer software, and hardware stores, just to name a few. You can also search the coupon section of the website to find exclusive coupons, deals, and discount codes available from a selection of stores. Now that I know that I can find the best online shopping deals from Extrabux.com, I'm going to look for all of my favorite stores there, so I can use my cash rebates to buy a few extra things just for fun!

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