Wednesday, November 25, 2009
If you are experiencing issues on Zimmer durom cup, hip replacement surgery, call today to speak to an experienced medical product liability attorney. Your case will be reviewed to determine if there are sufficient grounds to represent you in pursuing a lawsuit against Zimmer.
There are two types of Zimmer durom cup types, but it is the the Zimmer durom hip cup, head, and neck adapter which was the subject of sales suspension by Zimmer, Inc. Other Zimmer resurfacing systems were not sold in the United States, and therefor, not not relevant to failed Zimmer Durom hip replacement cups in the United States. Your case will be investigated including obtaining orthopedic surgical records which display the product and lot numbers of the components used in surgery. If you're experiencing complications due to durom cup hip replacement, you must find out if you have signed a release of liabily that would give away your rights to be compenstated for any injuries due to Zimmer products. Speak to an attorney who is experienced in medical product liability, and fight for your rights to a fair settlement.